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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652637.


Prague, Czech Republic / 24.05.2018 - 25.05.2018

NCP Academy: Intellectual Property Rights in Horizon 2020

This training will focus on intellectual property rights in Horizon 2020 (as stipulated in articles 23 – 31 of the Model Grant Agreement). It will include information about legal aspects of Open Access; a brief introduction to intellectual property in general (e.g. description of the main intellectual property rights, with a particular focus on trade marks, industrial designs, patents, utility models, copyright and confidential business information); and IPR in project proposals.

The training will be led by experienced NCPs and external legal experts from the European IPR Helpdesk and the Institute of Law and Technology (Masaryk University).

Target group: All NCPs including L&F NCPs

More: https://www.ncpacademy.eu/event/ncp-academy-training-on-intellectual-property-rights-in-horizon-2020/