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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652637.


Amsterdam, the Netherlands / 07.12.2018

1st Blue Bioeconomy stakeholder conference

The first stakeholder event on the Blue Bioeconomy will attract industries, public agencies, financial organisations as well as the researchers and civil society, working on or interested in the Blue Bioeconomy of the EU – aquatic and marine environments. Besides its informative objective, the conference is a great opportunity to meet key stakeholders on the Blue Bioeconomy of Europe, to discuss policy implementation with EU experts and to support the promotion of the Blue Bioeconomy on national level. Apart from presentations and panel discussions, the event will have parallel sessions organised as workshops, where participants can brainstorm on several issues such as Policy, Environment and Regulation, Finance and Business Development, etc.

Venue: Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport, the Netherlands


The event is free of charge but requires registration, which can be done online here: http://bluebioeconomyforum.onetec.eu/

For more information, you can refer to the website of the Blue Bioeconomy Forum.