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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652637.


Brussels, Belgium / 18.09.2017 - 19.09.2017

NCP Academy training on ERA Instruments

The event will concentrate on selected instruments such as JPIs, ERA-NETs, Eurostars, KICs, JTIs and the Junker Plan. The participants will in interactive exercises have the opportunity to exchange current practices related to the use of various instruments, strategic planning for research and innovation as well as role of NCPs in the process. Both the ERA Instruments eco-system and synergies between ESIF and ERA Instruments will be presented.

The training should result in an overview of selected ERA Instruments and their potential to shape R&I eco-systems and defining the possible role of NCPs in the process. Therefore, special attention will also be given to the exchange on roles of NCPs in shaping the research and innovation eco-system using ERA Instruments during interactive sessions.

Registration and all relevant information are available at: http://www.ncpacademy.eu/event/ncp-academy-training-era-instruments/

Registration remains open until 5 September 2017. For any issues related to the training please contact Aleksandra Stanisławska: Aleksandra.Stanislawska@kpk.gov.pl